Unusual Stories of Chess Legends: A Quiz on Uncommon Connections and Mysteries
26.03.2024 13:32 | HistoryDo you know what links Bobby Fischer, Barbra Streisand, and Neil Diamond? Are you familiar with Anatoly Karpov's unusual hobbies or how Alexander Zaitsev met his end?
What do Bobby Fischer, Barbra Streisand, and Neil Diamond have in common?
- They share the same birth date
- They all have sisters with the same name
- They all have science degrees
- They went to the same school
What other hobbies did former World Champion Anatoly Karpov have before stamp collecting?
- Weather watching
- Morris dancing
- Badge collecting
- Whittling
Alexander Alekhine loved cats. What did his cat do when he took it to a tournament?
- It sat in his lap
- It rubbed against his opponent's leg to distract
- It sat on his opponent's chair
- It walked on the board
Harry Nelson Pillsbury was an exceptional player at the turn of the 20th century. Besides playing up to 22 simultaneous games of chess and checkers, blindfolded, which other game did he play at the same time?
- Backgammon
- Whist
- Poker
- Bridge
Wilhelm Steinitz (World Champion 1886-1894) was said to suffer from delusions later in life and died penniless. He thought:
- All of these
- He could move chess pieces through mental telepathy
- He challenged God to a game giving Him a pawn start (and occasionally beating Him)
- He said he could speak by telephone without using an instrument
Why was Emmanuel Lasker (World Champion 1894-1921) unsuccessful in breeding pigeons for poultry shows?
- They were all male
- They kept flying away
- He fed them the wrong food
- They wouldn't sit on the eggs
How did Alexander Zaitsev meet his untimely death?
- Died in his sleep from a leak in a faulty gas pipe connection
- Died of a stroke while taking a cold bath
- Died of thrombosis after a minor operation to lengthen one leg
- Died of syphilis
What was Garry Kasparov's original surname?
- Weinstein
- Trivianov
- Goldberg
- Ivanov
Who, after losing a game of chess, jumped up on the table and yelled, "Why must I lose to this idiot?"
- Bobby Fischer
- Viktor Korchnoi
- Rustam Kamsky
- Aron Nimzovich
What was the profession of Judit Polgar's husband, whom she married in 2001?
- Veterinarian
- Dentist
- Doctor
- Chess coach
What do Bobby Fischer, Barbra Streisand, and Neil Diamond have in common?
Answer: They went to the same school
Alexander Alekhine loved cats. What did his cat do when he took it to a tournament?
Answer: It walked on the board
Harry Nelson Pillsbury was an exceptional player at the turn of the 20th century. Besides playing up to 22 simultaneous games of chess and checkers, blindfolded, which other game did he play simultaneously?
Answer: Whist
Wilhelm Steinitz (World Champion 1886-1894) was said to suffer delusions later in life and died penniless.
Answer: All of these
Emmanuel Lasker (World Champion 1894-1921) once attempted to breed pigeons for poultry shows. Why was he unsuccessful?
Answer: They were all male
Several strong players met untimely deaths. How did Alexander Zaitsev die?
Answer: Died of thrombosis after a minor operation to lengthen one leg
Garry Kasparov changed his surname. What was it originally?
Answer: Weinstein
Who, after losing a game of chess, jumped up on the table and yelled, "Why must I lose to this idiot?"
Answer: Aron Nimzovich
Judit Polgar's husband, whom she married in 2001, worked as a:
Answer: Veterinarian
Test Score Rating:
- Each correct answer = 1 point.
- A total of 10 points can be obtained.
Based on the number of points you've scored, you can assess your knowledge and interest in chess history and the personalities who have shaped it.
- 0-3 points:Beginner in chess history. It might be time to open a book about chess or explore some chess stories online and learn more about this fascinating game and its legends.
- 4-6 points:You have basic knowledge of chess history. You recognize some key moments and personalities, but there's much more for you to discover.
- 7-9 points:Advanced knowledge of chess history. You know many important moments and significant personalities in chess. Your knowledge is impressive, but there's always something new to discover.
- 10 points:Master of chess history. Your knowledge of chess and its history is deep and extensive. You are a true connoisseur and passionate fan of the game of kings.
Regardless of how many points you've scored, the important thing is that you're interested in chess and its rich history. Each story and personality in this quiz represents a unique chapter in the long and fascinating history of chess. Continue your exploration and learning about this beautiful game and its legends.