Chess Master or Beginner? Test Your Chess Knowledge!
15.03.2024 07:58 | NewsPrepare to dive into the world of chess with our quiz, which will test your knowledge from history to legendary players. Whether you're a chess veteran or just a casual player, our quiz is guaranteed to entertain you and maybe even teach you something new
How are you doing with historical knowledge?
10 points: Historical Oracle! Your knowledge is so extensive that if it were a book, it would be an encyclopedia. Maybe you should consider a career as a time traveler.
9 points: Time Detective! You're just one step away from solving all historical mysteries. Sherlock Holmes would look like an amateur next to you.
8 points: Relative of Leonardo da Vinci! Your knowledge and curiosity are admirable. Keep it up, and maybe you'll discover something that changes history.
7 points: Temporary Chronicler! You have a solid foundation, but sometimes get lost in historical dates. Don't despair, every mistake is an opportunity to learn.
6 points: Enthusiastic Time Tourist! Although you sometimes get lost in historical epochs, your enthusiasm always leads you back to the right path.
5 points: Historical Adventurer! You have a basic overview and a bold spirit. With a bit more study, you can achieve great things.
4 points or less: Time Novice! History may be like a labyrinth to you, but don't worry, every great historian had to start somewhere.
Which country was the cradle of chess according to most historians?
a) Korea
b) China
c) India
d) Iran
Who won the first modern international chess tournament held in London in 1851?
a) Paul C. Morphy
b) Johannes Zukertort
c) Wilhelm Steinitz
d) Adolph Anderssen
Who was the first world chess champion?
a) Alexander Alekhine
b) Emanuel Lasker
c) Max Euwe
d) Wilhelm Steinitz
In what year was the International Chess Federation (FIDE) founded?
a) 1929
b) 1925
c) 1924
d) 1927
Which city hosted the first unofficial Chess Olympiad?
a) London
b) Paris
c) Amsterdam
d) Athens
Who won the first women's world chess championship?
The legendary American chess player Bobby Fischer played his last match against whom?
a) Tigran Petrosian
b) Anatoly Karpov
c) Boris Spassky
d) Viktor Korchnoi
Do you know the name of the famous Polish chess player who was supposed to challenge the world champion Emanuel Lasker in 1914?
What is the name of the computer that defeated the former world champion Garry Kasparov?
a) Deep Purple
b) Deep Blue
c) Deep Fritz
Who was the Classical World Chess Champion (not the FIDE champion) in 2002?
a) Vladimir Kramnik
b) Gata Kamsky
c) Viswanathan Anand
d) Anatoly Karpov
Correct Answers:
Which country was the cradle of chess according to most historians?
Who won the first modern international chess tournament held in London in 1851?
Adolph Anderssen
Who was the first world chess champion?
Wilhelm Steinitz
In what year was the International Chess Federation (FIDE) founded?
Which city hosted the first unofficial Chess Olympiad?
Who won the first women's world chess championship?
Vera Menchik
The legendary American chess player Bobby Fischer played his last match against whom?
Boris Spassky
Do you know the name of the famous Polish chess player who was supposed to challenge the world champion Emanuel Lasker in 1914?
Akiba Rubinstein
What is the name of the computer that defeated the former world champion Garry Kasparov?
Deep Blue
Who was the Classical World Chess Champion (not the FIDE champion) in 2002?
Vladimir Kramnik
And that's a wrap!
Whether you've reached the score of a historical genius or found yourself in a time loop where history seems to be an eternal enigma, don't despair! Every correct (or incorrect) answer has brought you closer to understanding that history is not just about dates and facts, but about the stories that shape our present.
If you've scored like a historical oracle, congratulations! Perhaps you're a lost descendant of Herodotus or your DNA is made up of particles of time dust from the library of Alexandria. For you, the past is like an open book – and what's better than predicting the future with the help of the past?
If you've scored less, don't hang your head! Humanity's memory is like Swiss cheese – full of holes, but still tasty. Every day is an opportunity to fill those gaps with knowledge, and next time you encounter a historical quiz, you might surprise yourself.
Remember: Whether you're a historical scholar or just an enthusiastic time tourist, all roads lead to Rome... or were those the roads that led to the Viking invasion? Either way, history is full of surprises and unexpected turns, just like this quiz.
Thank you for diving into the depths of the past with our quiz. Hopefully, it not only entertained you but also inspired you to discover more fascinating stories that make up our history. And remember, history may repeat itself, but your quiz score doesn't have to – next time, you could be a historical hero!